Creation of personalized themes mapplights for the lighting of all your events on the French Riviera and Monaco
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Creation of personalized themes mapplights for the lighting of all your events on the French Riviera and Monaco

For almost 20 years, HB Art has been your audiovisual services provider specializing in light, sound and video for all your events on the French Riviera and Monaco.


Whether you are hosting a public festivity, a private theme reception or even a corporate event, HB Art’ ensures the lighting and sound systems services of your meetings.

    Besides, we also create personalized-themed mapplights for immersive lighting during your reception on the French Riviera and Monaco.

    The creation of a personalized mapplight allows you to project detailed and coloured pictures on your reception venue frontage, and you can include your brand, name or slogan. This is a great alternative to mapping video because you can create luminous sceneries with a less expensive service.


Perfect for theme events, we create and produce various personalized mapplight thematics


However, we can complete your event on the French Riviera or Monaco by installing your entire scenography with stages, dance floors and event-luminous furniture.
    As well, we produce special effects shows for the animation of your reception.


Click here to discover our artistic and entertainment services!

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